

Facebook SDK with Backbone pt 3

Finally we are getting to the backbone of this app Backbone Backbone is a javascript library that creates an MVC(Model, View, Controller) structure. Earlier I said this was not a great tutorial and that is because we are only using the view and controller portions of backbone. The model is coming from Facebook. We probably could abstract this out and create a backbone model for Facebook, but I chose just to use the Facebook API directly.

Facebook SDK using only javascript – pt 2

This part will cover setting up the Facebook SDK, initializing the SDK, and getting users authenticated. Facebook SDK setup We covered this in the last post, but I will touch on it again. We are going to use XFBML. Facebook used to have FBML, but they have deprecated this. We use XFBML to create the login button. If you look at Facebook’s Social Plugins you will see that you can implement many of them through the javascript SDK and XFBML.

Facebook SDK using only javascript pt 1

It uses javascript and only javascript Setup your Facebook App First thing you will need to do is to create an app through Facebook. Start at the Facebook Developers site. There will be a button to create a new app. A modal window will popup. Fill this out. You may have to play with the App namespace to find something that isn’t taken. You now will have to fill out the App Domain and Site URL.

Pixelize photos with HTML 5 canvas and Javascript

What would a browser look like on the NES? The canvas element Canvas is a new element that was part of HTML5. Canvas opens a lot of doors in HTML5 and there are a lot of amazing examples of what is possible with the canvas element, but we are only using a small portion of it’s capabilities. We can add a canvas to a web page very easily <pre class="brush: xml; title: ; notranslate" title=""><canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500">Fallback content</canvas> We can now manipulate it with Javascript.

Facebook SDK inside of Zend Framework Tutorial

It doesn’t matter if use Zend or not, you can follow along and use the code in your project as well. Setup Zend Framework First thing to do is download the latest version of Zend Framework. It is a free download, but you will have to create an account. If you don’t use Zend Framework (ZF from here on out) you really should. It is very extensible and versatile. I won’t continue to try and sell you on ZF (and most likely you already are using it).